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  • Writer's pictureShamila Dani

Shyam Maheshwari Discusses Entrepreneurship as the Art of Crafting Value

Shyam Maheshwari, formerly the CEO, Founder, and Partner at SSG Capital Management, possesses a wealth of experience spanning 17 years in the domains of deal origination, analysis, and investment. His instrumental role within SSG involved spearheading investment initiatives in the Indian market. Beyond these responsibilities, Maheshwari holds advisory positions on four boards, including Director at Holiday Break and Associate Member at The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. His professional trajectory encompasses four previous roles, notably including a stint as Assistant Manager at Reliance Life Insurance. His academic journey took him through St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, culminating in an MBA from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Displaying a deep affinity for India's credit and special situation sectors, Shyam Maheshwari underscores its status as an emerging Asian market that readily welcomes foreign participation in local currency debt and NPA (Non-Performing Assets) markets. He commends the transformative reforms, particularly within the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), enacted by the present government. This amalgamation of robust regulations, transparency, market accessibility, and foreign investment demand establishes a compelling landscape. Maheshwari astutely observes that while the NPA reservoir has shrunk over recent years due to successful resolutions and recoveries, the hunger for credit and resolution capital continues to outpace available supply.

Shyam Maheshwari, Shyam Maheshwari ssg,
Shyam Maheshwari

Reflecting on the early 2000s, Maheshwari highlights the scarcity of foreign fund engagement in India, a stark contrast to the contemporary panorama featuring a myriad of international players actively participating. This transformation can be attributed to the evident reduction in recovery timelines (attributed to IBC) and diminished risks facilitated by expanded market access. By comparison, he posits that achieving similar access within countries like China would present considerably more challenges, given their larger market dimensions. Drawing another parallel, Maheshwari notes that Indonesia's bankruptcy law, PKPU, hasn't achieved the same level of success as India's IBC. In this context, he identifies mid-market corporate enterprises as credit-oriented opportunities, while retail NPLs (Non-Performing Loans) could fuel specialized situation prospects.

In addressing burgeoning young entrepreneurs in India, Shyam Maheshwari ssg imparts sagacious counsel, characterizing entrepreneurship as a voyage fraught with dedication, perseverance, and trials. He accentuates that entrepreneurship encompasses the creation of value or the acquisition of wisdom through attempts, irrespective of outcomes. Maheshwari emboldens these individuals by underscoring their exceptional capacity to undertake such ventures, regardless of eventual results. He concludes with an uplifting assertion, asserting that the skills and insights accrued through entrepreneurship are universally applicable, yielding personal development and triumph in various spheres of life.

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Sarmiya Pillai
Sarmiya Pillai
Sep 27, 2023


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